Several species of flies and gnats have adapted to living in and around human structures. While generally a nuisance, some species of flies can transmit disease to humans and pets. In effect, it’s best not to simply ignore these pesky insects.

Biology & Life Cycle

More than 100,000 types of flies are known to exist, but the most known to Missourians is the common house fly. These flies lays eggs on wet, decaying organic matter such as garbage, animal manure or rotting plants. The eggs hatch into white maggots that feed on the waste. Next, the maggots change into an inactive pupal stage from which the adult flies later emerge. This life cycle is completed in about 14 days, depending on temperature.

Fruit Fly
Fruit Fly
Common House Fly

Habitats in Missouri

Household infesting flies breed and complete their life cycle indoors when breeding sites are available. Besides the common house fly, other nuisance species are the blow fly, stable fly and fungus gnat. All of these flies have one thing in common: their lifespan occurs in and around decaying matter, garbage, manure, etc.

Diet & The Search for Food

The smell of food from improperly maintained garbage cans, compost piles and pet manure attracts flies to areas around inhabited structures. And flies can squeeze through incredibly small spaces! Flies are often able to gain access through open doors and windows, gaps, cracks or crevices. A professional exterminator can help recognize and recommend ways to eliminate the weaknesses in a building’s structure.

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Management & Eradication

Flies will attempt to invade from outdoors for a handful of reasons: temperature, exterior lighting and filth/food odors. Various means can be used to kept flies at bay. Often employed are barriers, traps, insecticides and even fly swatters! However, flies has a tendency to find their way indoors, multiply and evade humans. Thankfully, at Hometown Pest Solutions we know flies’ habits and the best ways to stop them. Chemicals we sometimes employ can be incredibly effective, but should only be used by a licensed exterminator.

Please visit the University of Missouri’s Flies webpage for more information about flies.

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